Linkek a témában:
International Female Ride Day
Female Ride Day is a campaign for women motorcyclists who own, ride or have access to a motorcycle; inviting women to “JUST RIDE”. By being on a motorcycle on the Female Ride Day, by participating and by riding, women enthusiastically contribute to building awareness of female motorcyclists. They also demonstrate to others the fun and enjoyment women of all diversities share in this wonderful activity—motorsport.The event occurs on the first Friday of May each year, where women participate by simply being on their motorcycle to --JUST RIDE!
Women's Sportbike Rally
With few events that focus on the female sportbike rider, the Women’s Sportbike Rally was created to bring riders and groups together to meet and ride with others who also identify themselves as a sportbikegirl. With the event nestled in the Smoky Mountains of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina, riders can traverse fantastic roads amidst some of the most beautiful scenery in America. The rally welcomes all female sportbike riding groups, individual sportbike riding women and their guests of all riding levels to this not-for-profit event with all proceeds generated to be donated to the Tiffany Weirbach “Sportbikegirl” Melanoma Foundation. For schedule, registration, sponsors and more go to
A nők és a motorkerékpárok mindig is elválaszthatatlanok voltak a férfiak fantáziájában, de persze nem pont úgy, ahogy azt a motoros nők gondolják. Ezen az oldalon olyan információkat szedtem össze, amelyek azokról a nőkről szólnak, akik nemcsak pózolni tudnak a motoron, hanem saját maguk vezetik is azt.